Is walking better than running for fat loss

Running is now one of the most popular sports. It is a relatively easy and affordable way to keep fit. However, walking at a fast pace, according to some experts, is much healthier: it helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and has fewer contraindications. Is walking better than running for fat loss?

Prevent heart and vascular disease

In 2016, scientists found: walking is a more effective prevention of heart disease than running. The researchers compared the performance of runners 18 to 80 years old and those who prefer regular brisk walks. It turned out that walking reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by 9%, and running – by 4.5%. At the same time, the load on joints during walking is lower, which is not unimportant for elderly people.

Active walking in the fresh air activates blood flow, strengthens the heart and bones, tones muscles, improves sleep and lung function. In addition, they help relieve tension and fight stress. To get the best results, you need to practice walking for 30-60 minutes every day. Exactly exercise. A leisurely walk is not suitable as a workout if you want to increase endurance or burn calories. The step should be active, warming, so that the skin is covered with light sweat. The speed can be increased gradually. If there is shortness of breath, it is better to reduce the pace. The optimal distance for a walk is 6-10 kilometers.

Virtually no contraindications

Running is excellent for strengthening muscles and increases endurance, but also has a number of contraindications:

  • overweight (because of the high load on the spine and knee joints);
  • cardiovascular disease (hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart failure, and others);
  • joint problems (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, arthritis);
  • varicose veins.

Helping to burn fat and strengthen muscles

Running and active walking involve the same muscles: the gluteal, calf and tibia muscles, as well as the quadriceps and the muscles of the posterior surface of the thigh. However, running is a more energy-consuming activity. During an hour of brisk walking a person burns an average of 300-400 kcal. A 60-minute jog can get rid of 400-800 calories, depending on the intensity of the load. Jogging, for example, is not as efficient as interval running.

However, when losing weight, it is not only important how many calories you burn, but also what reserves your body uses during the workout. There is a term “fat burning zone” – it is a certain heart rate of contraction at which subcutaneous fat is actively burned. Training in the fat-burning zone does not burn more fat in absolute terms. But few people can run for an hour without stopping, and those who can usually don’t need to lose weight. That’s why calmer cardio that can be done long enough without getting tired is recommended.

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