Pros and cons of protein shakes

Many people think that consuming sports nutrition, and protein in particular, causes some side effects and that proteins are bad for your health. Sometimes protein is confused with steroids and attributed to the side effects of such doping. There are myths that protein is addictive, reduces potency, harms the liver and kidneys, damages the heart and other organs. In fact, all of these myths have no basis in fact, although there are a few exceptions. In this article, we will look at pros and cons of protein shakes. This information will help you figure out if protein is worth buying and adding to your diet.

How Protein is Made 

What is protein made from? Many people mistakenly think protein is chemistry and has nothing to do with natural products. In fact, it’s just a concentrate of common nutrition. With the help of special modern technology, ballast substances and unnecessary components are removed from natural products.

Advantages and disadvantages 

As a matter of fact, there is only one disadvantage of egg white protein drink: its rather high price. It is the deterrent that prevents the widespread distribution of egg protein. On the plus side, it has a balanced amino acid composition (even if you mix egg whites with a bit of yolk, you won’t reach the ideal level, but here you will), almost no fats (although not all of them are harmful and some are quite useful), and it’s easy to make. No matter how you slice it, it is easier to drink a smoothie than to eat 5 or 6 eggs, even if you throw some of the yolks in the garbage can. Do all these advantages outweigh one disadvantage? If you’re not strapped for cash, absolutely. Otherwise, it is doubtful. All in all, count for yourself and choose what you can afford.

Protein Consumption 

Protein can be consumed in digestible doses at any age, without harming your health. It’s safe to say that protein harm is negligible compared to fast food and candy. 

About the harms of protein 

Protein can be used at any age and without any harm to health, as they are all made from food raw materials. After special purification methods, a protein is obtained that is devoid of carbohydrates and fats, essential components of food. Protein contained in sports supplements is of natural origin and is completely physiological in relation to the human body. The need for purified protein is dictated by the changes in modern lifestyles. 

Hypodynamics, stress, physical activity in a short period of time, all this reduces the need for fats and carbohydrates, but the need for protein remains, as the building material is required in the same quantities. Technological advances have allowed us to change our diets and make them more adequate to our modern lifestyles. A prime example of this are proteins or high-protein blends, the use of which is simply unavoidable for keeping fit, bodybuilding and weight loss.

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